Finally a Blogger app from Apple!
''Volunteers are paid in Six Figures: S M I L E S''

Hey loves,
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been volunteering here and there. This past week I have been sick & on top of that I have to study for my phlebotomy licensing exam that I have to take on Monday (wish me luck! :). Not to mention like 3 days ago my laptop charger died (currently on the shared house desktop). I miss blogging. I miss having things to blog about. So after the test there will be more things to blog about such as, me getting a job soon (God-willing this month).
Talk to you guys later,
Check this show out, it is too funny. Especially this last episode. It's called "Awkward." and it comes on MTV, Tuesdays at 11pm Eastern.
"Don't trade what you want most for what you want at this moment.." -- fuck you, BAD HABITS. healthy eating, gym grind C:
I like this. Good way to look at it.
Cheers to the Freakin' Weekend!
So I always thought Rihanna was okay and her singing grew on me especially since the Good Girl Gone Bad album. However, i didn't really care much for her personality because I never really saw it. I LOVE her style, fashion risks, & her sleek tattoos. I loved this song when I heard it on her album but I'm loving the video. This video makes me want to party with her! lol. She seems to know how to have a good time.
Check it out for yourself, Enjoy!
I'm Over It
In the meantime
Baby on Board

Going to see McQueen

i went to the Alexander McQueen exhibit yesterday,
I got a Blog On Fire Award!

- Paulana at Paulana's Melange
- Murielle at Versatility at it's Finest
- Kyndra at Brown Girl Thoughts
- Renee at Siren's Song (Tumblr)
- Alex at The Good Hair Blog
- Alame at Spectacular Spit
- Lianne at The "L" Word Chronicles
- College Fashion at College Fashion
- Like Jazmyn, I LOVE purple! Be it notebooks, toothbrushes, wallet, bedspreads, nail polish remover, you get the idea. I kinda didn't like when purple became the IT color in fashion a few years ago and many people were like that's their new fave color-__- lol bt i did also like that purple was being appreciated by others and in fashion as there were like 0 purple clothes/items before that season. Anywhoo, lets continue...
- I love fashion (including designing). Granted i haven't designed anything in years. & i want to learn to sew.
- I want to be a doctor so badly. I pray to God it happens.
- I want to visit France & Egypt and a few other places that I mentioned here.
- I am shy..but I seem to be slowly outgrowing it.
- Shows on WE tv, like My Fair Wedding with David Tutera, and even some on HGTV, get me thinking about my future wedding and home. A couple years ago i even searched dresses for my future wedding party and copied, pasted, and saved the pics on a Word document (now gone after getting a new hardrive). All except my wedding dress, which I believe will be custom made (God willing).
- I would like to live in the city (perhaps along Lexington) (even if for a short time).
Wish List
see Alexander McQueen exhibit (going this week! :)- check out 5 Points
- get photo albums for my photos from my cruise & graduation
- develop grad pics lol
- maybe go to Coney Island? =) (i have never been!)
finish creating my new room
- GET A JOB!!! (hopefully I can lock on down before the summer is over tho)
Going back in time?
Crossing the divide
I came across this video a while back and it was pretty interesting, so when i came across it again today i wanted to share it. For anyone who knows about the hair typing system i think the white woman would fall under like 3b/3c and the black woman would fall under the 4 categories. However, sounds to me like the white woman has type 4 hair in the back of her head. In other words, sounds like the white woman has the kinky textured type hair in the back of her head and she seems to have real frizzy, soft, cottony hair as many black women have.
I wonder if the white woman, growing up, ever did or thought to relax/perm her hair for it to be smoother?
Bon Voyage!
Any good books to read?
- Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer
- Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult
Reagan Gomez tweeted me =)
She played Zaria from the show The Parent ‘Hood, which I used to watch & where I know her from originally & now Roberta from The Cleveland Show.
Eat Pray Love
& the countdown begins...
Trying to get rid of some stomach fat xp before the cruise, so we're also watching what we eat. Like for example after the walk and a shower i had a slice of whole wheat bread with some natural peanut butter for some protein and a little strawberry spread. Also, got some Light & Fit yogurt that i'm eating at the moment, lol. It's peach, tastes so good. Yesterday, I got some healthy snacks at the supermarket with my mother like the yogurt, along w/ green grapes, and granola bars.
Let's Play Catch Up!
Disappearing Act
Going natural, a movement?
January 20, 2011
Becoming a health ambassador
What I'm Doing So Far...
2011 goals
- finish the semester with straight A's
- get a well-suited internship/job for after graduation
- score REALLY well on my MCATs the 2nd time around, better yet ACE them
- get into a good grad school program for next year in the meantime
- get into a US medical school for fall 2012 =)
- get closer to God & His Word
- enjoy the year while accomplishing everything
all this with God's will & help.
Philippians 4:13 - I can do all thing through Christ who strengthens me.